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Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Nachfrage in Ihrem Unternehmen bündeln und andere zur Zusammenarbeit mit hystrixconnect einladen
Frame 1242

Source-to-Contract (S2C)

Erfahren Sie, wie hystrix die Source-to-Contract-Komponenten des Beschaffungslebenszyklus digitalisiert.

New FAQ’s! Check them out…

Check out our new FAQs just published! All your main questions answered
Free word and sign on a red price tag label on white background 3D illustration.

Platform Core Functionality Remains Free for Sellers

With the conversion to SaaS Source-to-Contract software, hystrix is to remain free for platform sellers!

Launch of Alternative Product Search Capability

An oft requested feature has come to life with buyers able to digitally locate alternative products!
Screenshot 2023-06-30 171356

Partnership with GS1 / firstbase for Master Data Upload

We are partnering with GS1/firstbase to enable direct population of product master data on our platform.

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[11:33] Philippe Hügli